
NOTICE: Posting schedule is irregular. I hope to get back to a regular schedule as the day-job allows.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday FUNNY [Full link to blog for email clients.]

During a dangerous factory explosion that occurred in China, a Monkey was recorded on the camera saving a puppy from the explosion site, He held the dog as he ran out of the factory. 

Pretty neat, huh?

So, one of my lab techs sent this to me and said:  'Hey Boss, maybe we should get a dog for work... of course it would have to be a 'Lab'."


On another day I got this:

Monkey orchids.  *Someone* has too much time on their hands, if they actually *bred* (or modified) orchids to get this effect.

A different tech sent me this:

and this:

Now mind you, these aren't exactly the studies I do - but the folks in my lab know I appreciate good LabRat humor. 

Finally, I got this, sent to me by several different members of my lab staff...


To which all I have to say is... Yes.

Happy Monday!  I'll be back later this week with more new content!

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