
NOTICE: Posting schedule is irregular. I hope to get back to a regular schedule as the day-job allows.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Breaking NEWS: Fermilab selects new doctor... [Full link to blog for email clients.]

Citing a need for a director eager to explore the mysteries of space and time, Fermilab has announced that their new director is... The Doctor

Now *that* is an April Fool's joke that I appreciate.  I'm not much for the sophomoric (sorry PJM's Trifecta). I like an intelligent joke, and Fermilab's April 1, 2013 "Fermilab Today" page is a comprehensive joke from the headlined announcement, to the "Mu to e transformation" video, to the Security status ("blanket") to the announcements ("Roads A, B, C and D closed due to spelling errors - April 8-12").

Well done, Fermilab, well done.

(hat tip to RealRocketGal Stephanie Osborn for the link.)

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